State Aids Seminar for the personnel of the Ministry of Transport

On the 29th of June 2009, the Ministry of Transport organized a seminar on state aid law, focusing on transport issues. The Seminar was addressed exclusively to the personnel of the Ministry.
The lecturers were Mrs. E. Mouameletzi, Research Director of CIEEL and Coordinator of the State Aids Unit, Mrs. E. Sgouridou, Research Assistant of CIEEL and Member of the State Aids Unit and Mr. M. Kekelekis, Member at EIPA in Maastricht.
The lectures focused on commenting on the Case Law of the ECJ on transport issues as well as on presenting the EC regulation. Furthermore, the Commission practice was one of the major topics, which was discussed.
After the lectures a discussion took place, during which the lecturers had the chance to answer to the questions of the audience.
