
The State Aid Unit (MoKE) activities include:

  • legal opinions
  • oral counselling / exchange of comments and views
  • help desk
  • specialized legal services to public authorities in the context of ad hoc contracts for state aid
  • information activities
    • latest news on the MoKE’s website
    • publications
    • academic events

Legal opinions

MoKE delivers legal opinions on written questions posed by KeMKE, AMKE or by any other public authority that so requests regarding the application of EU state aid rules.

Ιndicative issues dealt with in MoKE’s legal opinions:

  • whether a financial measure constitutes state aid and how it should be appropriately formulated in order to fall under an Exemption Regulation or the de minimis Regulation
  • when a financial instrument must be notified and how it should be drafted so as not to contravene the Guidelines, the EU Frameworks etc. of the sector concerned
  • when and under which conditions an enterprise qualifies as an SME
  • the notion and content of SGEI as interpreted by the EU Courts and the Commission
  • on the financing of infrastructures and eventual state aid issues
  • on the specific rules for aid granted under the State aid COVID Temporary Framework and the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework
  • on the correct implementation of recovery decisions

Oral Counseling


  • supports Public Administration in examining the conformity of draft laws, amendments and circulars to EU State Aid Law
  • participates in meetings with the competent authorities
  • submits legal comments on draft EU legislation, being under consultation between the Commission and the Member States

Help Desk

ΜοΚΕ provides

  • oral answers on simple questions
  • clarifications on its own written legal opinions
  • useful information on specific provisions of EU State Aid Law

The Ηelp Desk operates daily, from Monday to Friday, from 12:00 to 14:30, and can be reached at +30 2310 486947.


In view of increasing awareness in the State aid sector, MoKE organizes and/or participates in conferences and congresses. Furthermore, the members of MoKE constantly attend training seminars and congresses (see Events).


ΜοΚΕ issues practical guides on the application of substantial and procedural state aid rules, as well as collections of legislative texts on state aid (See Publications).

State Aid Unit Newsletter

MoKE edits a bi-monthly information electronic newsletter, sent free of charge to approximately 650 competent public authorities, to update them on current state aid issues.

Electronic Law Journal

MoKE, in cooperation with the Public Procurement Monitoring Unit of CIEEL, has published from 2004 to 2015 an electronic specialized legal review entitled “Public Procurement – State Aid & Market” (DiSKE & Agora).
