
Eftychia Mouameletzi

PhD in European Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Master degree (Licence Spéciale) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB-Institut d’ Etudes Européennes), Practice (Stage) at the Legal Service of the E.U. Commission. Attorney-at-law in Thessaloniki, Research Director at the Centre of International and European Economic Law, Head of the “State Aid Unit” (MoKE).

Ekaterini Sgouridou

Master Degree in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Attorney-at-law in Thessaloniki, Researcher at the Centre of International and European Economic Law, Member of the “State Aid Unit” (MoKE), Member of the Greek Union of European Law.

Paschalis Paschalidis

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Master Degree in Public Law and Political Science, Attorney-at-law in Thessaloniki, Researcher at the Centre of International and European Economic Law, Member of the “State Aid Unit” (MoKE), Member of the Greek Union of European Law.
