On the 31st of March and the 1st of April 2014, Dr. E. Mouameletzi (Research Director of CIEEL and Coordinator of the State Aid Unit (MoKE) of CIEEL) and Mrs. E. Sgouridou (research associate at CIEEL and MoKE executive) gave lectures at a two-days training seminar, addressed to the staff of the Central State Aid Unit of the Ministry of Finance of Greece (KeMKE). The seminar dealt with both theoretical and practical aspects of State Aid Law.
The seminar was opened by Mrs. Matina Charalambopoulou (Director of KeMKE), who presented the main objectives and the analytical programme of the seminar. Right afterwards, Mrs. Ekaterini Sgouridou developed the notion of state aid in line with the relevant theory, the analysis of case-law and the presentation of examples and exercises (case-study). Further on, Mrs. Sgouridou proceeded with a presentation of the SMEs definition (Small and Medium Enterprises), along with practical examples and comprehension exercises. Afterwards, Dr. Eftychia Mouameletzi presented the “De minimis” Regulation 1407/2013, accompanied by practical examples and exercises. At the last session of the first day of the seminar, Mr. Orestis Nikou (European Commission official) explained the rules on State Aid compatibility and Mrs. Pavlina Karasiotou (General Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance) gave a detailed presentation of the LARKO case.
During the seminar’s second day, emphasis was put on the State Aid procedural rules. In particular, Mr. O. Nikou presented the rules on notification, on complaints and on the formal investigation procedure, while Mrs. Charalambopoulou and Mr. P. Papaioannou (Member of KeMKE) analyzed the SANI notification system.
Later on, Mrs. Tania Paschalidou (Task Force) elaborated upon the principles and procedures for the recovery of incompatible State Aid. On the same theme, Mr. Kosmas Boskovic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) presented the case-study about the recovery of unlawful state aid under Law No. 3220/04 on tax-free reserves.
At the last lecture of the seminar, Dr. E. Mouameletzi developed the subject of Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI), presenting the key concepts and analyzing particular cases (case-study), in order to clarify all relevant issues.
The lectures were followed by an interesting discussion among speakers and participants.