EU state aid rules – Guide

Author: E. Mouameletzi, S. Papantoniadou, Aik. Sgouridou
Publisher: Ministry of Economy and Finance-CIEEL
Publishing Year: 2002
ISBN: 960-8190-01-0

The Guide’s primary goal is to succeed in being a useful “tool” for the public authorities that grant state aids. It is handy, with lots of examples, information and advices. The Guide attempts to respond to basic questions, in order that the competent authorities while granting state aids avoid mistakes and omissions. Furthermore, it points out the obligations of public authorities, according to the EC rules. The Guide applies also to public or private undertakings, which must be informed about the consequences of receiving unlawful aids, as well as about the sanctions that can be imposed, requiring even the recovery of aid. The Guide includes all general substantive Community rules regarding state aid notion and compatibility, as well as the approval procedure. Special reference is also made to the rules applicable to every category of aid, as well as to aids granted through Structural Funds. Everyone interested may obtain the Guide from the “State Aid Unit” (StAU) at CIEEL (Address: P.O. Box 14, 55102, Kalamaria-Thessaloniki, tel. 2310-486.947, fax: 2310-476.105, e-mail: e-mail: