On the 8th of May 2009, the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” organized a seminar on state aid law. The seminar took place in Athens and it was addressed exclusively to the personnel of the Managing Authority.
The seminar started with the lecture of Mr. M. Kekelekis, Member at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht (EIPA), who presented a review on the State Aid Policy and the recent developments. Afterwards, Mrs. E. Sgouridou, Research Assistant of the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) and Member of the State Aids Unit, and Mrs. E. Mouameletzi, Research Director and Coordinator of the State Aids Unit, gave lectures on the notion of state aid and the state aid Control Procedure, respectively. The seminar was concluded with the presentations of Mrs. E. Sgouridou and Mr. M. Kekelekis, concerning the de minimis Regulation and the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), respectively. The seminar had a satisfying participation and the discussion that followed after the presentations, such as during the presentations, was very interesting and clarified most of the participants’ questions.