MoKE State Aid Guide

Editors: Eftihia Mouameletzi
Publisher: CIEEL – State Aid Unit
Publication year: 2013

In the context of the co-operation provided by Law No. 4152/2013 between the State Aid Unit (MoKE) of CIEEL and the Central State Aid Unit (KEMKE) of the Greek Ministry of Finance, MoKE has updated its Guide on EU State Aid Rules, which was originally published in 2002.

The present edition (December 2013) contains the core EU substantive and procedural rules on State Aid, including the numerous and important developments of the last decade in the field of State Aid.

The Guide analyzes in depth the notion of State Aid and describes in detail the Commission’s State Aid control system. It also clarifies the relevant obligations of the national authorities for the proper application of these rules for all categories of aid and at all procedural stages, that is to say from the drafting of an aid measure to the implementation of recovery decisions.
