
What is the "State Aid Unit" (ΜοΚΕ)?

ΜοΚΕ is an advisory body that operates within CIEEL since 2002 and assists the Greek State aid control network instituted by Law no. 4152/2013 (KEMKE and AMKE) in its consulting activity concerning State aid granted by the competent authorities.

Why was ΜοΚΕ established?

Granting of State aid to undertakings is not permitted under the EU Law and is exceptionally allowed, only when State aid is compatible with the Common Market(principle of incompatibility).

The European Commission is exclusively competent to decide about the compatibility of State aid. The national authorities that grant State aid, should notify their aid schemes to the European Commission, before applying them.

Overall, the EU State aid system relying on the principle of incompatibility and its exceptions presents a lot of interpretative and practical issues, especially due to the regularly reviewed State aid rules and to the multiple decisions and judgements adopted respectively by the European Commission and the European Courts. Thus, MoKE assists the competent national authorities for the proper application of State aid rules.

What services does ΜοΚΕ provide?
  • legal opinions and consulting services to the relevant Greek authorities for the proper granting of State aid

  • attending the latest news on State aid: European legislation and jurisprudence

  • drafting a State Aid Unit Newsletter for the relevant Greek authorities

  • organization of academic events

  • publication of a Practical Guide and collections of legal texts on State aid

What kind of consulting services does ΜοΚΕ provide?

ΜοΚΕ provides consulting services to public authorities granting state aids on the following matters (indicatively):

  • whether an economic measure raises any question of state aid, i.e. if it constitutes state aid and, therefore, should be notified to the European Commission,

  • whether an aid scheme may fall within the scope of the General Block Exemption Regulation

  • what amount of de minimis aid can be granted to a company belonging to a group of companies

  • when and under which conditions may an enterprise be characterized as SME

  • in which way the Commission and/or the EU Courts interpret EU State aid rules and relevant notions, such as the notion of “enterprise”, of “Service of General Economic Interest” (SGEI) etc.

To whom does ΜοΚΕ address?

MoKE provides its services mainly to the relevant Greek authorities and cooperates with them closely (KEMKE and AMKE). In addition, anyone interested in State aid (jurists, lawyers, judges, academics or undertakings) may be informed through MoKE’s site, its academic events and its publishing activity.

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